Dr. Schafer has extremely limited time and energy.
She will not respond to requests for individual advice, information or referrals even if you have supported Sjogren's Advocate with a donation or gift.
Thank you for understanding.
Please DO NOT:
ask for advice, opinions, feedback, or referrals regarding personal medical care,
instead, use Smart Patients or local support groups;
share personal medical information including test results,
please refer to the disclaimers page for more details;
ask for information about Sjogren’s, including research papers,
instead, search Sjogren's Advocate, investigate other credible websites and blogs, and ask on Smart Patients;
ask about Sjogren’s Foundation services, events, and/or activities,
Sjogren's Advocate is independent of and NOT affiliated with Sjogren's Foundation;
inquire about advertising products or services,
suggest that Dr. Schafer start a business or nonprofit.
She has already thoroughly researched her options and made her best choice.
Please DO:
share feedback on what would improve your experience using Sjogren's Advocate and any unclear writing, typos, errors, and links that don't work,
share your words of encouragement, gratitude and support,
they are meaningful and much appreciated;
share your stories of how you've used Sjogren's Advocate for self-advocacy, both the successes and disappointments, (your stories are inspiring and informative);
send in new information and articles you think may be useful.
Before you share a journal article, please search PubMed to make sure it is not a fake article, i.e., generated by artificial intelligence (AI). If you don’t know how to do this please do not send the article.
Thank you for using Dr. Schafer's time and energy, and yours, wisely.
Updated 03-20-2024